Four Projects Got Featured in CHCI
Four of my proejcts got featured in Virginia Tech CHCI. Check them out here!
Mixed Reality Scientist
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Four of my proejcts got featured in Virginia Tech CHCI. Check them out here!
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1 minute read
Our paper on “Enhancing Immersive Sensemaking with Gaze-Driven Recommendation Cues” has been conditionally accepted at the Intelligent User Interface 2025 to be held in Cagliari, Italy on March 24-27, 2025. Yay! Here’s a brief intro to what we did in this paper:
1 minute read
I am humbled to share that I received the Aspire! Award for my pursuit of building common ground through creative, thoughtful, and impactful projects in service to the community at Virginia Tech. In a breakfast banquet in honor of all Aspire winners, Chris Wise, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, introduced me to the audience by sharing my work on celebrating cultural richness with International Mother Language Day, innovating new ways to make international students’ lives easier in the early days, and supporting the community of Bangladeshi students in Virginia Tech with my skills, experiences, and leadership. The Aspire! Awards honor students, faculty, and staff who embody the Student Affairs’ Aspirations for Student Learning.
6 minute read
The Tapia Conference, officially known as the ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing, is an annual event that promotes diversity and inclusion in computing and technology fields.